Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's That Time of Month Again

Time for me to write my monthly blog post.

Wait... what were you thinking? You guys are gross. Grow up already.

Since I do have a tendency to blog on a roughly monthly basis, let me tell you about the coolest thing that happened to me this month. My brother Aaron told me in late January that he, Kelly and Clark would like to come visit Daniel and I. So last weekend, they made the five hour drive to Nashville with a one year old in tow, which I realize is no small feat. They were also really good sports about the sleeping situation at our house, which is currently not great. We do plan to remedy that situation this year, so please don't cancel your plans to come see us just yet. Even when one of the four animals in the house (I suspect Babs) climbed into the basket of guest linens and soiled them, the valiant Aaron Rices didn't complain or even go to a hotel. They just slept right on them, like little babes. No... no that's not what happened. Seriously guys, please don't call me and say something came up that will make it impossible for you to ever stay with us again. It would break my heart. It's not that bad, I promise, it's just kind of medium bad.

The highlights of our weekend included going to the Pancake Pantry on Saturday morning to participate in the famous Nashville Tradition of waiting in line to get into the Pancake Pantry. The food was pretty good, too. We also introduced Kelly to the Wii, but I don't think she was into it.

Oh, and Clark ate his first sushi.

So as you can see, we had a really fun weekend, and Clark is the cutest baby Nashville has ever seen. The end.

Now let's discuss my employment situation. I think it's time we all talk about it. About a week ago, my manager at Obelisk approached me and was like, "you're just going to keep showing up here, aren't you?" And I was like, "Yeah. Even if you stop paying me, I'll keep coming." So they said I could stay and my job's not seasonal anymore. Okay, so that's not exactly how it went down... the point is that this puts me in the position of being able to work several days a week and still have time to write from home. Lately I've been trying to get the ball rolling with freelance journalism by building my portfolio (read, "writing for free") in hopes that one day someone will want to pay me to write for them. So now that we're on the subject, would anyone like to pay me to write for them? Pretty please? I promise it will be more polished than this blog, and I won't make jokes about menstruation in my introductory paragraphs. Usually I'll probably wait till somewhere in the body, maybe the conclusion. You have to know when your audience is prepared for period jokes, so it's a little different every time. It's really quite an irregular thing. You can't just schedule it, say every 28 days. lolz.

Alright. I'm done. Before I go, though, I'd like to direct you all to an exciting blog that's going to get even more exciting come March 23, when our dear friend Nate Johnson takes off on his trip biking (and blogging) from Florida to California. Nate is a photographer, and will post a series of photo essays documenting his trip and sharing stories of people he meets along the way. In his first post, he articulates his reasons for wanting to do this. It's very inspiring, by which I mean that it makes me feel like a lazy bum. Here's how you can support Nate on his journey:

  • Read his blog. The opportunity to share stories is the core reason Nate is doing this. Whether you know Nate or not, he would so appreciate your comments and words of encouragement along the way.
  • View the map on his blog and get him in touch with anyone you know who he can stay with along the way. Nate will be camping most nights, but any chance to sleep in a bed will be very welcomed, as you can imagine.
  • Pray for his safety and health.
  • Spread the word. The more readers, the better!
Thanks for reading, everyone. I'll catch you in a month or so.

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