Friday, August 6, 2010

Before and After

I have had several requests to post photos of the new house, so Daniel and I finally got around to it this morning even though we've had the house pretty much set up for a month. Me and procrastination are tight.
I am going to post a few crappy before pictures that I took on my iPhone, mostly to show changes in paint.

Living room before

Living room after

Daniel designed and built this nifty TV mount out of shipping crates. Gotta love a creative man.

Dining room before (the rug came with the house... I don't know.)

Dining room after

Our dining room chalkboard wall- the best thing that ever happened to Daniel Meigs. Including me.

Master bedroom before

Master bedroom after

That's all for now- I will probably post pictures of the kitchen and office on here at some point, after we've made a few more improvements. We're also planning to paint the rest of the walls in the bedroom red, so whenever we get around to it I'll post pictures of that.

In other news, my brother Ryan is getting married in a week! I'm headed to Mississippi on Monday to spend some much needed time with my family and to finally meet my nephew Isaac for the first time. Daniel is shooting the wedding (which is sure to be gorgeous) and will post pictures on his blog before long, so stay tuned for that!


  1. This is awesome! I've been thinking of painting our walls too (I mean, we'll be here for another ~3 years, so why not make it as beautiful as can be?) and your colors and style are a real inspiration. and where did you guys get your Awesome furniture? The coffee table, dining room table, and plate cupboard thing? Really beautiful...

  2. Nina, all of the items you asked about came from the same antique mall in downtown Nashville. After the flood, I looked at a lot of antique stores around Nashville for furniture, but I kept ending up back at the same one. First I found the cupboard and the coffee table, then when we came back to retrieve the cupboard they'd gotten the dining room table in... I really love that place. I don't know if you've had this experience, but sometimes "Antique Mall" means "a few antique and vintage items, and a whole lot of random junk," but every time I go to this place I see some really beautiful items which are usually reasonably priced.
